You are here: Device > Manage Device Group

Manage Device Group

Device Group is the logical grouping of devices where every device must be assigned to at least one device group at the time of registration. Device(s) can be added to any device group(s) as well as one device can be added to multiple device groups. Whenever a device group is assigned to any device, all the user group(s) which are associated with that device group are also transferred to that device.

Screen Layout of Groups


Field Description of Groups

A list of already defined Groups will be displayed. In case not a single Group has been added yet, this list will be blank.



You can search for a particular Group by entering its full or partial name. Once entered, either press <Enter> key or click on Search button. The list will be refreshed with Groups matching with the entered name.


Click on the Device Group to view a list of Device(s) belonging to the group as follows:



Click on the button at the top right of the screen to edit the selected Device Group. Read more...


Click on the button at the top right of the screen add Device(s) to the selected Device Group. Read more...


To remove a particular Device from the selected Device Group, click on the x icon in the end of the row. The Device will be removed from the Device Group.